
Format: 2024
Ordinance ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
5066 An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan, specific to Chapter IX (Urbanization) And Chapter X (Citizen Involvement and Plan Amendment), to incorporate Great Neighborhood Principles into the City’s Land Use Planning Program. Tue 4/9/19 Link
5065 An Ordinance amending Planned Development Ordinance No. 4722 to remove approximately 11.47 acres from the boundary of the Oak Ridge Planned Development Overlay District. Tue 7/23/19 Link
5064 An Ordinance Relating to Camping within the City of McMinnville; amending MMC Chapter 8.36. Tue 5/28/19 Link
5063 Amending Planned Development Ord. No. 4953 and 4990, to reduce avg lot size requirements & certain setbacks, increase allowed block lengths & lot depth to width ratio, & amending an approved site plan, for a small-lot, small-home subivision at Chegwyn Vil Tue 3/12/19 Link
5062 An Ordinance Amending the McMinnville City Code, adding Chapter 2.30, specific to The McMinnville Economic Vitality Leadership Council. Tue 3/12/19 Link
5061 An Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan Map designation from Residential to Commerical on existing properites and lots of record, rezoning said property from R-4 to O-R, & amending an existing PD Overlay District to remove said property Tue 2/12/19 Link
5060 An Ordinance amending Title 17 (Zoning) of the McMinnville City Code, Specific to Multiple Chapters to update definitions and the regulation of small-scale mixed-use and upper-story residential use in the C-3 General Commercial Zone. Tue 12/11/18 Link
5059 An Ordinance amending Title Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations; adding Chapter 5.40 – Care Facility Specialty Business License. Tue 10/9/18 Link
5058 An Ordinance Amending the Comprehensive Plan Map Designation from Industrial to Residential on an existing property and lot of record, and rezoning said property from M-1 (Light Industrial) to R-4 (Multiple-Family Residential). Tue 9/11/18 Link
5057 An Ordinance Relating to Camping within the City of McMinnville; establishing MMC Chapter 8.36. Tue 8/28/18 Link
5056 An Ordinance Amending the 2012-2022 Franchise Agreement between the City of McMinnville and Comcast of Oregon II, Inc. (Ord. 4960) Tue 7/24/18 Link
5055 An Ordinance Relating to Moving or Towing Vehicles Parked in Prohibited Areas; Amending MMC 10.28.030; and Establishing MMC 10.28.400. Tue 6/12/18 Link
5054 An Ordinance Relating to Smoking Regulations in Downtown McMinnville and City Park Areas; establishing MMC Chapter 8.32; and, amending MMC 12.36.020. Tue 6/26/18 Link
5053 An Ordinance establshing Rule of Conduct for the City owned Parking Structure located at NE 5th and Evans Street, and City owned and managed surface parking lots located within the City of McMinnville. Tue 6/12/18 Link
5052 An Ordinance amending Title 17 (Zoning) of the McMinnville City Code, Specific to Chapter 17.06 and Chapter 17.62, to update definitions and the regulation of nonconforming signs. Tue 5/8/18 Link
5051 An Ordinance relating to Special Use Permits for City parks; revising the fine schedule for violation of park rules; and, amending McMinnville Muncipal Code (MMC) Chapter 12.36. Tue 4/24/18 Link
5050 An Ordinance relating to the definition of plastic bags; amending McMinnville Municipal Code Chapter 5.36. Tue 4/24/18 Link
5049 An Ordinance relating to the parking of Recreational Vehicles, Motor Trucks and Abandoned Vehicles; amending McMinnville Municpal Code (MMC) Chapters 10.04, 10.28, and repealing MMC Chapter 15.28. Tue 4/10/18 Link
5048 An Ordinance adopting a City of McMinnville notice of nondiscrimination and grievence procedure for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and appointing an ADA Coordinantor. Tue 3/13/18 Link
5047 An Ordinance amending Title 17 (Zoning) of the McMinnville City Code, specific to mulitple chapters to update definitions and the regulation of short term rentals and lodging establishments in residential and commercial zones. Tue 4/10/18 Link
5046 An Ordinance Amending 3.10.060, Systems Development Charges - Exemptions, of the McMinnville Municpal Code. Tue 1/9/18 Link
5045 An Ordinance amending Title 17 (Zoning) of the McMinnville City Code, specific to Chapter 17.72 (Applications and Review process) to include neighborhood meeting requirements for certain types of land use applications. Tue 12/12/17 Link
5044 An Ordinance amending the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance specific to Chapter 17.62 (signs) to update provisions related to the deadline of the amortization of certain types of existing nonconforming signs. Tue 11/28/17 Link
5043 An Ordinance amending Title 17 of the McMinnville City Code specific to Chapter 17.06, Definitations, and 17.55 Wireless Communications facilities to help achieve a more desireable community aesthetic while ensuring code compliance with cuurent FCC regs. Tue 1/23/18 Link
5042 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 4904 and 5033 relating to the Solid Waste Collection Franchise. Tue 11/28/17 Link
