Library Computer Use Guidelines
Clicking ACCEPT in the upper right corner confirms that you agree to follow the rules below.
Inappropriate Content
This is a family-friendly library. You will be asked to leave the computers if you are viewing inappropriate sites. See posted notices on the technology wall.
Esta es una biblioteca de ambiente familiar. A usted se le pedirá que deje de usar las computadoras, si se encuentra en una página de Web inapropriada. Vea los avisos que se encuentran en la pared del área de tecnología.
Rules of Use
- You must be 13 years of age or older to use the internet computer upstairs.
- Children 9-12 years of age may use the internet computers in the Children's Room.
- Children 8 years old and younger must have an adult with them while using the internet computers.
- Only two people at the computer at one time.
- Talking and other disturbances must be kept to a minimum.
- The library cannot guarantee the privacy or security of your computer use.
- Internet computers can be used for one hour per day for adults, and 30 minutes a day for children. The hour can be split into more than one session a day. Extra time may be granted under special circumstances. Ask at the Information Desk before your time runs out for an extension.
Violation of these policies will forfeit computer privileges. Repeat offenses will result in permanent suspension of computer use and possible imposition of legal sanctions.
Printing from Downstairs Childrens Computers: Please ask a Childrens Librarian to help you print.
Printing for Upstairs Internet Computers: Copies are 10 cents per page for black and white (single-sided or double-sided) and 50 cents per page for color.
- File > Print. Wait for the white box to tell you how much the printing will cost, and click the purple "Okay" button. Go to the Information Desk and let a staff member know you've printed. We will release it to the printer.
- You may pay for printing with cash or check at the Information Desk (debit and credit cards not accepted).
Free printing
- For middle school and high school students: We will print up to 10 pages in black and white and/or 3 pages in color for free for assignments and other school-related printing.
- For job searching: We will print up to 10 pages of resumes, cover letters, or application materials for free.