Friends of the Library
The Friends raise funds to support new purchases and programming at the library and they volunteer for activities that enhance the library’s daily operations.

Join the Friends of the Library!
You can join or renew online(payment is made through Paypal where you can choose to use your credit/debit card or your PayPal account). If you prefer, a paper registration form is available at the library (where you can pay by check), or follow this link to print out a copy at home.

Friends Book Sales
Book sales are held in the Carnegie Room and/or plaza outside depending on the weather. They are held on the second Saturday of odd numbered months (January, March, May, etc.). Please check the Library calendar for details on upcoming sales. We appreciate gifts of gently used books and similar materials. Please read our Acceptance Policy to see if we can accept items you wish to donate.

Memorial and Celebration Books
The Friends direct the Memorial and Celebration Books program. Each book purchased will have a bookplate on the title page with the name of the honored person and donor.

Friends Meetings
All members are welcome to attend monthly Board meetings and encouraged to attend the annual membership meeting in April. The meetings are currently held in-person at the Carnegie Room in the library. For information about attending or becoming a Board member please email
Current Members of the Friends Board are:
Eric Combs (President) Jennifer Brosius (Secretary)
Vivian Fairburn (Treasurer) Joyce Anderson (Member at Large)
Judie Folgate (Member at Large) Duane Bond (Member at Large)
Alan Soles (Member at Large) Kareen LaValley (Member at Large)
Patty Heringer (Member at Large) Janis Stoven (Member at Large)
Jenny Berg (Ex-Officio)