Book Discussion Group

2 PM,  2nd Wednesday of the month


The Book Discussion Group is open to anyone wishing to attend-  simply read the book and show up for the discussion. For further information call Diane McMillen at 503-435-5551, or send an e-mail to:


Where: McMinnville Senior Center

              2250 NE McDaniel Ln, McMinnville, OR 97128


Open to all!

Books available at the McMinnville Public Library Circulation desk while supplies last.

January 8thYou could make this place beautiful : a memoir by Maggie Smith

February 12th: Women of the silk by Gail Tsukiyama

March 12th: The code breaker : Jennifer Doudna, gene editing, and the future of the human race by Walter Isaacson

April 9th: Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

May 14th:  Eager : the surprising, secret life of beavers and why they matter by Ben Goldfarb

June 11th: Peace like a river by Leif Enger