Book Discussion Group
2 PM, 2nd Wednesday of the month
The Book Discussion Group is open to anyone wishing to attend- simply read the book and show up for the discussion. For further information call Diane McMillen at 503-435-5551, or send an e-mail to:
Where: McMinnville Senior Center
2250 NE McDaniel Ln, McMinnville, OR 97128
Open to all!
Books available at the McMinnville Public Library Circulation desk while supplies last.
January 8th: You could make this place beautiful : a memoir by Maggie Smith
February 12th: Women of the silk by Gail Tsukiyama
March 12th: The code breaker : Jennifer Doudna, gene editing, and the future of the human race by Walter Isaacson
April 9th: Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
May 14th: Eager : the surprising, secret life of beavers and why they matter by Ben Goldfarb
June 11th: Peace like a river by Leif Enger