Clone of Fly Friendly Program
This program identifies approach surfaces and noise-sensitive areas for fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters to minimize impacts to airport neighbors at the McMinnville Municipal Airport. The recommendations described are not intended to preempt the responsibilities of the pilot-in-command.
How to Fly Friendly at McMinnville
Nighttime flight training operations between 10 pm and 6 am are discouraged.
No turns before end of runway.
When possible, avoid noise sensitive areas depicted on vicinity map.
Maximum distance and altitude separation from noise sensitive areas are the most effective means of noise abatement.
Overfly major roadways and non-residential areas whenever possible.
For populated areas maintain an altitude of 1000' AGL where possible.
For sparsely populated areas maintain an altitude of 500' AGL where possible.
For takeoff, accelerate to gain altitude as quickly as possible without compromising safety.
For descents, use a steep approach to keep noise as close to the airport as possible.
Repetitive noise is far more irritating than a single occurrence. If you must fly over the same area more than once, vary your flight path so that you do not over-fly the same buildings each time.
Helicopters avoid blade slap when flying over noise sensitive areas where possible.
Fly Friendly Brochure (tablet version)
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