Historic Landmarks Committee

The Historic Landmarks Committee is a five-member City Council appointed body that reviews applications for alterations, moving and demolition of historic landmarks within the City of McMinnville. Members serve a four-year term of appointment. The Committee meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Meetings are at the McMinnville Civic Hall, and concurrently on Zoom as well due to COVID-19 protocols. The City Council makes every effort to appoint persons with knowledge, experience and passion for the field of historic preservation.

This committee serves in both a quasi-judicial role and advisory role to the City Council.  The committee is enabled by Chapter 2.34 of the McMinnville Municipal Code.

Agendas and Minutes

Historic Landmarks Committee
Volunteer Term Expires
Mary Beth Branch, Chair 2027
Katherine Huit, Vice-Chair 2027
Mark Cooley 2025
Daniel Kiser 2026
Christopher Knapp 2027
City Council Liaison - Scott Cunningham