Downtown Safety Task Force - Inactive
The Downtown Safety Task Force was created for a six-month term work. They have completed their responsibilities as a committee and therefore not an active committee/task force.
Public Safety is significant to McMinnville's quality of life. In order to promote safety, sustainable growth and development and communicate with citizens and key local partners through active engagement, the Downtown Safety Task Force has been established with the provisions below.
Agendas and Meeting Notes
Background Information and Patrol Info
2017 Downtown Safety Results
Downtown Exclusion List (new)
The Downtown Safety Task Force will:
- Share information and provide feedback on proposed solutions to problems in and around (but not limited to) the downtown area and residential areas of the economic improvement district(EID).
- Collect data and interview those affected by negative behaviors taking place in the EID.
- Conduct interviews with Stakeholders.
- Make recommendations to the City Council for short term and long term solutions.
- Recommend additions or changes to the City of McMinnville's Municipal Code.
Information moved forward to the City Council will identify the pros and cons of possible solutions, and success stories if the task force recommends implementation of code changes.