Budget Committee Meeting

Calendar Date:
Monday, May 18, 2020 - 6:00pm

Welcome! The public is welcome to attend, however if you are not feeling well, please stay home and take care of yourself. In accordance with Governor Kate Brown's Executive Order 2020-12 we are limiting the amount of people at Civic Hall and if we meet capacity we may ask you to leave.


The public is strongly encouraged to relay concerns and comments to the Council:

  • Submitting public comment prior to the meeting is encouraged. Comments or questions regarding the budget or the use of state shared revenues received by Wednesday May 13, 2020 will be compiled and distributed to the Budget Committee members prior to the meeting. www.mcminnvilleoregon.gov/finance/webform/budget-public-comment.
  • Public comment may also be given in real time by joining the zoom meeting. If appearing via telephone only please sign up prior to the meeting by emailing the City Recorder at Claudia.Cisneros@mcminnvilleoregon.gov as the chat function is not available when calling in. All others may join zoom and send a chat directly to City Recorder, Claudia Cisneros, to request to speak and use the raise hand feature in zoom to request to speak, once your turn is up we will announce your name and unmute your mic


You can live broadcasts the City Council Meeting on cable channels Xfinity 11 and 331, Frontier 29 or webstream here:


You may join online via Zoom Meeting: https://mcminnvilleoregon.zoom.us/j/96702121648?pwd=UjAzd0RXOWlLVEdmT05MV2g1Mm5HUT09

Zoom ID: 967-0212-1648

Zoom Password: 482627

Or you can call in and listen:  1-253- 215- 8782

ID: 967-0212-1648