Budget Committee Meeting #2
Calendar Date:
NOTICE of City of McMinnville Budget Committee Meeting & State Revenue Sharing Public Hearing
NOTICE of City of McMinnville Urban Renewal Agency Budget Committee Meeting
If a third meeting is necessary it will be held at 6pm on the 19th day of May 2023.
The public is strongly encouraged to participate remotely but there is seating at Civic Hall for those who are not able to participate remotely. However, if you are not feeling well, please stay home and take care of yourself.
Public Comment prior to the meeting is encouraged:
- Submitting ahead of the meeting online on the city’s website https://www.mcminnvilleoregon.gov/finance/webform/budget-public-comment. All comments received on or before Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 at noon will be sent to Budget Committee members prior to the public meeting.
- If appearing via telephone only please sign up prior to noon on Tuesday, May 21st by emailing the City Recorder at CityRecorderTeam@mcminnvilleoregon.gov as the chat function is not available when calling in Zoom.
- Join the Zoom meeting use the raise hand feature in Zoom to request to speak, once your turn is up we will announce your name and unmute your mic. You will need to provide the City Recorder with your First and Last name, Address, and contact information (email or phone) for a public comment card.
- Attend in person and fill out a public comment card.
Copies of the Proposed Budget documents can be found here: FY2024-2025 PROPOSED BUDGET
You can live broadcasts the City Council Meeting on cable channels Xfinity 11 and 331, ZimplyFiber 29 or webstream here: www.mcm11.org/live. Download the "Cablecast" app on iOS, Android, Roku, Apple TV or Amazon Firestick and watch McMinnville City Council on all your devices.
You may join online via Zoom Meeting: https://mcminnvilleoregon.zoom.us/j/88594343501?pwd=byPLxaTrFp8Be2w7F9E8aEPAeAorel.1
Zoom ID: 885 9434 3501
Zoom Password: 904300
Or you can call in and listen: 1-253- 215- 8782
ID: 885 9434 3501